My cats sneeze all the time and their eyes leak a brownish color. Does this sound like a viral infection that has no cure?


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All Answers (2)


Sneezing and eye discharge may be symptoms of several possible conditions, including viral infections, allergies or respiratory issues. It is important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the root cause of your cats' symptoms and develop an appropriate treatment plan. Some viral infections can be treated symptomatically, while others may require medication, and in some cases, there may not be a cure, but the symptoms can be managed....Read More


This sounds like an allergy problem to me. Get Nutra Thrive supplements for cats and give them to your cat every day. Your cat food can be missing nutrients that has cause an allergy to set in. I give Nutra Thrive to my cat and my senior dog. There is a formula for cats and a formula for dogs.

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