What type of dents can be repaired without using paint?


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YP Answers

The types of dents that can be repaired without using paint are generally smaller, straight-impact dents that leave a clean dent with no surface damage. Hail is a perfect example of a dent that can be repaired without using PDR as it generally leaves a small dent, or dents, that can be pushed out from the backside of the surface with ease....Read More

Mel V.

Paintless dent repair uses leverage to remove cosmetic dents without filler on parts of a vehicle that allow access to push the dent out. It works best with small dents from shopping carts, kids on bikes or skateboards, slight impacts in a garage or parking lot, and other minor incidents. ...Read More

Neil B.

If the dent is large and shallow, a dent puller can be used. It's basically a big suction cup with legs and a crank that slowly pulls out the dent. As the suction cup is slowly cranked, the dent will pop out and no paint is needed. ...Read More