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What does it mean when a business advertising with Yellow Pages does not have the number of years they have been in business


YP Answers

It just means that the YellowPages does not have information about when the business was initially established.

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Why does YP have companies listed that are not in business or not in area ?



There could be a few reasons for this:

  1. Outdated information: YP may not have updated their database with the latest information about businesses that have closed or relocated.
  2. Human error: Mistakes can happen during the data collection process, such as misinterpreting information or accidentally including a company that does not exist.
  3. Paid listings: YP may still feature companies that are no longer in business because they have paid for advertising space on the website.

Regardless of the reason, it is important for users to research and verify the accuracy of any information found on YP or any other directory website before making decisions based on it.

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where can i find door controls



Door controls can be found at hardware stores, home improvement stores, online retailers, and specialty stores that sell door hardware. Some examples of places to find door controls include Home Depot, Lowe's, Amazon, Walmart, and Ace Hardware....Read More

where to buy security doors



There are several options where you can buy security doors.

  1. Home Improvement Stores: Home Depot, Lowe's, and Menards are popular home improvement stores where you can purchase security doors. They have a good variety of doors in different sizes, colors, and materials that match your needs.
  2. Online: You can buy security doors online from various websites like Amazon, Wayfair, and Walmart. There are several online stores that specialize in security doors, and you can get a good deal if you purchase during a sale.
  3. Local Retailers: You can look for local retailers that specialize in security doors. They offer a more personalized experience and can help you choose a door that fits your security needs.
  4. Manufacturer's Website: If you have a specific brand in mind, you can check the manufacturer's website to see if they sell directly to customers. It is a good way to get the exact door you need and also ensure that you get a genuine product.
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i signed a contract with a 3 day cancel...... but the only paperwork I was given showed a total price for windows without noting cost of each and not given copy of finance agreement......... can i back out?



Generally, if you were not given proper documentation, you may have rights to cancel the contract under various applicable laws. You should consult with a lawyer in your area to determine what actions you can take. Additionally, try contacting the company and asking for copies of the missing paperwork. If they refuse, it could be an indication they are trying to hide something, and you should contact legal help....Read More