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Bankruptcy - Questions & Answers

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i need help with foreclosure on commercial oceanside property



Here are some general tips that may help you: 1. Contact a foreclosure lawyer: A qualified lawyer who specializes in foreclosures and commercial real estate can provide you with legal representation and advice throughout the process. 2. Review your loan documents: Review your loan documents to determine your legal rights and obligations regarding foreclosure, including your repayment options and timelines. 3. Negotiate a payment plan: Try to negotiate a payment plan with your lender to prevent foreclosure. This may involve restructuring your debt or working out a payment plan that works for both parties. 4. Explore options for refinancing: Refinancing is another option to keep your property from foreclosure. If you have enough equity in your property, you may be able to refinance your loan, which could lower your monthly payments. 5. Consider a short sale: If you cannot afford to keep your property, consider a short sale. This involves selling the property for less than the amount owed on the loan, with the lender's approval. Remember, the best way to avoid foreclosure is to take action as soon as possible. Don't hesitate to seek professional advice and take proactive steps to protect your commercial property....Read More

Can a closed child support case (support paid in full), can the interest be wiped away thru bankruptcy?



In general, child support arrears and interest cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. Child support is considered a priority debt and is not dischargeable under any chapter of bankruptcy. Therefore, any unpaid interest on child support arrears cannot be wiped away through bankruptcy....Read More

Can child support--Interest only-- be removed by bankruptcy?



In general, child support cannot be discharged through bankruptcy. Even if the person filing for bankruptcy is only required to pay interest on the child support, it is still considered a debt that is not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Bankruptcy laws prioritize child support payments as a priority debt that cannot be dismissed through bankruptcy proceedings....Read More

if i have been served with court papers for a credit card can i still claim bankruptcy ?



Yes you can. You can file for bankruptcy even after they have gotten a judgment and even if they have already started garnishing your wages. The judgment can be wiped out.

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Being sued have no money or work only fix income on SSI



If you are being sued and have no money or work with only fixed income on SSI (Supplemental Security Income), you may be able to qualify for legal aid from non-profit organizations that help people with low income. These organizations provide assistance with legal matters such as representing you in court, providing legal advice, and negotiating settlements.

Additionally, SSI is protected from garnishment or seizure by creditors, so your income would be safe from debt collectors. However, if you have other assets or property, they may be targeted for seizure by creditors if you lose the lawsuit.

It's important to speak with an attorney or legal aid organization to understand your rights and options in this situation.

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