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Labor & Employment - Questions & Answers

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Are there any Banks in Ca with a De Lacruz machine in it??



De La Rue, the company that manufactures De La Rue cash machines, operates globally and has a presence in various countries, including Canada. CaixaBank in Spain and Bank of Baroda in India are known to use De La Rue machines, but it is always best to check with local banks in your area or use online search tools to identify which banks in Ca may have De La Rue machines....Read More

This GA State Right to Work does not protect employees. What recourse do employees have when hours are forced upon them beyond the contracted work time?



If employees in Georgia feel that their hours are being unfairly extended beyond their contracted work time, they may have several options for recourse:

  1. Speak with their employer:

    The first step is to raise the issue with their employer or supervisor and attempt to resolve the issue through a direct dialogue.

  2. File a complaint with the Georgia Department of Labor:

    Employees can file a complaint with the Georgia Department of Labor if they believe their employer is violating Georgia's wage and hour laws.

  3. File a lawsuit:

    Employees can also choose to file a lawsuit against their employer for violating their employment agreement or other labor laws.

  4. Contact a labor union:

    If employees belong to a labor union, they can consult with union representatives for support and advice on how to address the issue.

It's important for employees to act quickly if they believe their rights are being violated. If they delay, they may lose their legal right to seek a remedy.

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what kind of lawyer handles a claim between a home owner and a contractor?



A construction or real estate lawyer would typically handle a claim between a homeowner and a contractor....Read More

Where is Sandak corporation in Clark Summit?



You may try searching for the corporation's address or contact information through online directories or the company's website....Read More

Is it legal to take deductions from your paycheck for a 401 Plan I did not sign up for it. I asked for my $1,000 Plus to be sent to me but have not heard from them and that account is now $0.



In general, employers are not allowed to deduct money from your paycheck for a 401(k) plan that you did not voluntarily sign up for. You may want to contact your employer's HR department or consult with a legal professional for further guidance....Read More