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Property & Estate - Questions & Answers

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is it legal for a attorney to write up a irrevocable trust and appoint trustees without ever meeting with the Grantors.


How much woould reasonal price lawyer charge for a will that has been probated to get my car put in my name . Its in my husbands name and he pasted away june12


I recently purchased a home via land-contract. Now that the house is paid for, how do I go about getting the property deed in my name? (I need a pro bono attorny if at all possible, as I am disabled and on fixed income.)


If you hire a lawyer to probate a will with real estate and after closing the real estate does not pay off the bank mortgage, deposit almost $200K in a personal account what recourse do we have?


Having issues with a water well that needs to be cut off from a house that our sister used to



To cut off the water supply from the house:

1. Locate the main valve: The first step is to locate the main valve that supplies water to the house. This valve is usually located near the water meter or where the main water line enters the property. It can be either inside the house or outside, typically in a utility box buried in the ground.

2. Turn off the main valve: Once located, turn the main valve clockwise (to the right) until it is completely closed. This will shut off the water supply to the house. It is recommended to use a wrench or pliers if the valve is difficult to turn.

3. Drain the system: After shutting off the main valve, open all faucets (both indoor and outdoor) to drain the water from the system. This will release any pressure and empty the remaining water in the pipes.

4. Bleed excess pressure: If required, you can further release any excess pressure by opening the drain valve located near the main valve. This will ensure that no water remains in the pipes, preventing any potential leaks or burst pipes.

5. Seal any openings: Make sure to seal off any exposed pipes, faucets, or openings after the water supply has been cut off. This will prevent any potential issues, such as pests or contamination, from occurring.

Additionally, if you plan on permanently disconnecting the water well from the house, you may want to consider professional help or consult with a plumber. They can guide you through the process of isolating the well and ensuring it is properly decommissioned, following any local regulations or guidelines.

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