I suspect My neighbors. Home is making them sick we both are renters and I am a retired construction mainteance employee.How can they get a quote to submit to the landlord to have their problem


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There are several ways your neighbors can get a quote to submit to their landlord to have their problem evaluated and remediated:

  1. Hire an indoor air quality professional for an assessment: They can hire an indoor air quality professional to conduct an assessment of their home to identify any potential sources of indoor air pollution that may be causing their health problems. The professional can provide a written report with recommendations for remediation.
  2. Contact the landlord for an inspection: Your neighbors can contact their landlord to request an inspection of their home to identify any potential sources of indoor air pollution. The landlord may then hire a professional to assess the home and provide recommendations for remediation.
  3. Research remediation companies: Your neighbors can research remediation companies in their area and request quotes from them to evaluate and remediate their home.
  4. Contact local health department: Your neighbors can contact their local health department to report their health concerns and request an inspection of their home. The health department can investigate the issue and provide recommendations for remediation.
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